Lifestyle: 1, 2, 3 and declutter

Did you always have a chair, that would one good day magically turn into a chairdrobe? Or you might have a shelf which is always overflowing with clothes? Or you are just tired and bored with your mother nagging all around you to clean your room and you always struggle to neat it down. Welcome aboard! We all go through this phase one way or the other. Be it our kitchen, or our beloved cozy bedroom, or the almirah which you thrifted with so much struggle, but is never enough to hold your stuff in anymore. Today I will take you through the magical lands of decluttering the answer to all your questions and the empty sleigh that will take all your worries and trouble away!


So, without any further adieu let's dive into decluttering.

1. Knowing what is 'decluttering' and what is the fuss all about.

Decluttering in simple words is getting rid of excess stuff that you own and in turn, making space for the items you own, need, and value. Believe it or not, in India an average middle-class person owns 10 times more items than he actually needs. This not only contributes to his stress of getting a bigger place than he needs but also ends up contributing to 10 times the waste he would generate. In simple terms, it is horrible. You are not only making bigger holes in your wallet than required, but you are also causing way too much harm to the environment.

Decluttering is basically getting your shit together. 

Warning: Please don't go to your room and throw everything out immediately, remember it just steps 1, don't worry I'll walk you through it. 

2. Sorting

If you have observed your grandparents well, you know how they loved to take out those tiny trinkets from the pulses. It is the most satisfying job in this whole wide world, conquering a mess. And its much better when you are the one who created the mess(home ground matches, do have an advantage) 

So, all you have to do is distribute all your beloved possessions into 3 broad categories, Keep(Items that you really need, please put your sentiments aside a little bit for this, trust me you will thank me later), Trash(Stuff which has expired or is beyond repair, and only has to be disposed of or recycled), Donate(You might be having way more of these than you anticipate and trust me it might not be of value to you, but someone might adore it).

3. Getting things Done

Once you have your KTD sorted, now it is time for some Rohit Shetty action of turning and tossing things around. Yes, start feeling like a hero, because you are about to be one. 

I would suggest you start small, start from your shoe rack, then advance to your almirah, then have a look into your furniture. One mission at a time. Going step by step brings in a sense of achievement and motivates us to progress further.

It's okay if you feel confused about a particular item, keep it aside, and wait for a week or two. See if you need to reach out for it, if you don't you have your answer.

And the most important and critical part of this entire process is repeating it at your convenience. Trust me owning less is more and you will get to love your possessions and take care of them much more diligently and they will last you way longer.

I am attaching my checklist for when I declutter in a PDF guide, let me know if you think I missed something critical.

Do share your decluttering experiences, I would love to hear from you all. Till the next blog, take care, and follow your bliss!
